Rabu, 13 September 2017

How To Create An Ad Unit In A-ads

Before you create an ad unit in a-ads, you must first have this:

1. Blogspot account with at least 1 post that will be used to place the ad code.
For how to create a blogspot account please read this.

2. Bitcoin wallet to receive the payment.
For how to make bitcoin wallet, please open this link.

After the above conditions are met, first determine the size of the ads that will be installed on your blog.
This aims to future ads neatly on your blog.

Here are the ad sizes in a-ads and in which tag sessions should be put on your blog:
1. For header and footer tag sessions please use the following ad sizes: 234x60, 468x60, 728x90, 990x90
2. For sidebar tag sessions please use the following ad sizes: 120x600, 160x600, 300x250

Alright now it's time to create ad units in a-ads:

1. Open this link https://a-ads.com/?partner=335607, then click Sign Up.

a-ads sign up

2. Please fill in the fields as follows:

the registration field of a-ads

3. Open your email then click on the confirmation link provided by the a-ads. (Usually email subject is noreply)
And will appear menu like this:

A-ads Withdraw settings
For more details please see the picture below:

details of A-ads Withdraw settings

A-ads Withdraw settings confirmation

4. Click the Earn menu in column 1. Select ad unit type, then fill in the fields:
Size with the ad size used, example: 728x90
Site URL with your blog's main address, for example: https://publisher-aads.blogspot.com/

1. Select ad unit type

5. Clear all check marks on 2. Filter content

2. Filter content

6. In section 3. Set withdraw parameters make sure to select which to user's account, and make sure also the data shown according to your own, then click Create ad unit.

3. Set withdraw parameters

7. In your ad unit has been created !, please copy and save the code below Please embed this HTML code into your site: in notepad, then click AD UNIT DETAILS.
Your ad unit has been created!

8. Open your notepad and then change the a-ads ad code you got earlier.
NB: Do not modify the ad code (6 digits) found in the data-aa and after the ad.a-ads.com code in the src code, as well as the ad size.

9. Change the original code so that the ad code is valid html5, which aims to ad code can appear on any os or browser.
Please follow the instructions below:

Usually the ad code provided by the a-ads is like this:
<iframe data-aa='655711' src='//ad.a-ads.com/655711?size=728x90' scrolling='no' style='width:728px; height:90px; border:0px; padding:0;overflow:hidden' allowtransparency='true'></iframe>

Then change the parameters of the ad code as follows:

So later the ad code will be like this:
<object data="//ad.a-ads.com/655711?size=728x90" data-aa="655711" style="width:728px;height:90px;border:none;overflow:hidden;"></object>

Then place the ad code on your blog widget and promote your existing blog post to start earning the bitcoin coffers to your social media accounts and autosurfs.

If any of you do not understand please comment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this How To Create An Ad Unit In A-ads article.

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